Council 7 Knights of Columbus will be conducting its 13th Annual Baby Shower on the weekends of : February 1 & 2, 8 & 9, 15 & 16. All donations must be dropped of in the Rosary Room. See the bulletin for suggested items and further details.
A box for “Respect Life” cash donations will also be available, and gratefully received. Donations can also be mailed to Freestone Council, PO Box 7, Portland, CT. For further information call Brother Knight David Shovlin at 860-342-4259.
Our Bereavement Support Group meets on the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. A day-time meeting has also been added: every 4th Tuesday at 2:00pm in the parish library. If you are in the process of grieving for a loved one recently or in the past, please consider joining us! All are welcome. ** Upcoming Monday night Meetings will be February 10th, March 10th, April 14th, May 12th. ** Upcoming Tuesday Meetings will be January 28th, February 25th, March 25th, April 22nd, May 27th.
Freestone Council 7 Knights of Columbus, at St. Mary Church is sponsoring an “Adult Used Coat Collection”. the Portland Food Bank has requested the local Knights to once again sponsor a town-wide Coat Drive this Fall appealing for “gently used coats for adults”. David Shovlin, Food Bank Chairman for the Council, has said Council 7 will “once again request winter coats, hats, gloves & scarves for adults. ” To donate a much-needed Adult Used Coat, a large receptacle is available in the Rosary Room. Shovlin also announced that the Council has purchased 4 dozen new children’s winter jackets for the Food Bank funded from the proceeds of the ongoing Annual Raffle the council is soliciting donations for.
The Ladies Guild will be collecting items for the Veteran's Hospital- particularly needed are K-cup pods, Walmart gift cards, and laundry detergent pods. A container will be set up in the Rosary Room.
Pre-registration and related fee are required. Visit to learn more and to apply. "Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." 2. Romans 12:10 For more information please call Frank & Margie Pearson at 860-337-24470.
The bus trip to Lancaster, PA is scheduled for September 24-26. Cost is $689 dbl/trip occupancy; $789 single. Contact Janet Capello to sign up or for more info.
Co-sponsored with Adath Israel in Middletown, this annual golf tournament will be August 6th at the Portland Golf Course. This year beneficiaries are: the Rushford Center's, The Bridge program in Willimantic, and Middlesex Health Beit Paley Center for Mental Health. All are encouraged to help sponsor the tournament.
This retreat will be held at St Mary Parish 8:00 am - 6:00 pm on June 8th. The cost is $35 per couple. Please see bulletin for more information or call the office.
Thursday, March 28th, Holy Thursday 7:00 p.m. – Mass of the Lord’s Supper (washing of the Feet); Friday, March 29th, Good Friday, Interfaith Crosswalk– 12:00 p.m., Stations of the Cross–3:00 p.m., Passion Service–7:00 p.m. ; Holy Saturday Blessing of the Food 10:00 a.m., Easter Vigil Mass– 8:00 p.m.; Sunday, March 31st, Easter Sunday Masses at 9:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
The rally will take place on March 20th at the State Capital and will begin at noon. A bus will leave from St. Pius Church in Middletown at 11:00 am. See the bulletin for contact information if you are interested in taking the bus.
This is a new initiative begun by the KNofC... to provide handyman services to the elderly and disables. Contact Val Burzyski or the Parish Office for more information
Our Parish Bereavement Committee is looking for volunteers interested in helping to support this ministry by purchasing store bought baked goods for funeral receptions. Contact Janet Capello 860-214-1909 to sign up.
Church members are invited to become a part of this group. The goal of this committee is to find new ways of enhancing the faith life of our parishioners. Contact Janet Freimuth or the Parish office if you are interested in assisting with this group.
Healing Masses and Healing Services will take place the 3rd Sunday of every month starting at 2:00pm at the Church of the Holy Family in Hebron. All are welcome.
Diocese of Norwich Catholic Family Services is offering this 7 week virtual program which are scheduled to take place on Mondays, January 8 - February 19, from 7:00 - 8:15 pm. Contact the Diocese Office at 860-848-2237 ext. 312 for more information or to register.
Honor veterans living at the Rocky Hill Veterans Home and assist with some of their needs. Collection box will be in the Rosary Room. Items requested are laundry pods, K-cup coffee pods, and WalMart gift cards. Thank you very much for your generosity!