An organized group of women of the Parish who contribute greatly to the clergy and community by participation in activities that financially, physically, and spiritually enhance the Parish. The Ladies Guild has been an active ministry in the Parish of St. Mary since 1935.
The Ladies Guild efforts support the Sisters of Mercy ministries, Birthright, the Portland Food Bank, and the needs of our local community.
Meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month in the Parish Hall at 6:30 p.m. except in January, February, July, and August . In September, the Ladies resume with a pot luck supper at 5:30 pm in the Parish Hall to welcome new members. The Holiday Fair in November displays treats for everyone, followed by a Christmas party for all members in December. In June, the Ladies enjoy a Communion luncheon and Mass to honor all present and previous members, with plenty of additional activities throughout the year. Membership is open to all interested women and new members are welcome at any meeting. We look forward to having you join us.
Ladies Guild President: Marilyn McGrath