TO: All Clergy FROM: Father Peter Langevin RE: Update to Liturgical Guidelines DATE: 26 May, 2021 In view of the updated guidance issued by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Executive Order number 12 issued by Governor Lamont effective 18 May, 2021, the use of facemasks indoors, including in the parishes and of the Diocese, is no longer required for those who have been fully vaccinated. Those who have not been fully vaccinated must still wear a cloth facemask covering their nose and mouth. Therefore, the liturgical guidelines distributed prior to the revised recommendations on 7 May and which went into effect on 19 May are to be amended in order to reflect this update. Accordingly, nos. 4, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 25, 29, & 35 in particular are to be amended such that masks in each scenario are required for those who are not vaccinated but are optional for those who have been fully vaccinated. As in other sectors, there is no requirement for individuals to prove that they have been vaccinated. Instead, decisions in this regard are left to the individual conscience of each person. Thank you for your attention to this matter.